The following is the layout of the document.
Root Tag: Packet id:
Tag: header
Tag: checksum md5: sha1: sha256: sha512:
Tag: sender ipv4: ipv6: hostname; fqdn:
Tag: destination ipv4: ipv6: hostname; fqdn:
Tag: proxyhist ipv4: ipv6: hostname; fqdn:
Tag: authencation user: password: bearer:
Tag: request uri:
Tag: body
Tag | Parmater | Description | Required |
Packet | May be repeated. ID’s must be unique. | Yes | |
Packet | ID | Identifies the packet. Created by hashing the header and body. | Yes |
Header | May only exist once in each packet. | Yes | |
Checksum | Contains hashes of the body used to verify the integrity of the data sent. At least one hash must be included if used. | Recomended | |
Checksum | MD5 | MD5 checksum of the body. | No |
Checksum | SHA1 | SHA1 checksum of the body. | No |
Checksum | SHA256 | SHA256/SHA2 checksum of the body. | No |
Checksum | SHA512 | SHA512/SHA3 checksum of the body. | No |
Sender | Used to identify the sender of ther packet. | Yes | |
Sender | IPv4 | IPv4 address of sender | Yes* |
Sender | IPv6 | IPv6 address of sender | Yes* |
Sender | Hostname | Hostname of sender | No |
Sender | FQDN | Fully Qualified Domain Address of sender | No |
Destination | Used to identify the Destination of ther packet. | Yes | |
Destination | IPv4 | IPv4 address of Destination | Yes* |
Destination | IPv6 | IPv6 address of Destination | Yes* |
Destination | Hostname | Hostname of Destination | No |
Destination | FQDN | Fully Qualified Domain Address of Destination | No |
Proxyhost | Used to identify any proxies that have passed on the packet. May repeat several times in the header. | Yes | |
Proxyhost | IPv4 | IPv4 address of Proxyhost | Yes* |
Proxyhost | IPv6 | IPv6 address of Proxyhost | Yes* |
Proxyhost | Hostname | Hostname of Proxyhost | No |
Proxyhost | FQDN | Fully Qualified Domain Address of Proxyhost | No |
Authencation | Used to identify and authorize the sender. Either username and password (basic auth), or bearer token may be used. | No | |
Authencation | Username | Username of the sender of the packet. | No |
Authencation | Password | Password of the user that sent the packet. | No |
Authencation | Bearer | Authencation token created by other authencation systems. | No |
Request | Additional data about the request | Yes | |
Request | Yes | URI of the resource being requested | Yes** |
Body | Contains data being sent. Not to be used as root tag. | Yes |
*Either IPv4 or IPv6 address must be included.
**Mirrors that of http.
4/7/2021 - Add Request URI to RRML Spec.